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Arrangements for appeals against a decision not to offer a place at Tooting Primary School will be in accordance with the requirements of the Schools Admission Appeals Code.

And an independent appeals panel will be established by the school to hear such appeals. 

Appeals Timetable 2018/19 

You will receive an offer of a school place from your home Local Authority on 16th April 2019.

If you have applied to Tooting Primary School, but have not received an offer of a place here, you have the right to appeal against this decision to an independent appeals panel. 

Tooting Primary School has made arrangements with Wandsworth Borough Council to handle its appeals. You will receive information on how to make an appeal with your offer letter.

The appeals will be heard in mid-July. You will be given the exact date, time and location of your appeal at least 10 school days before the hearing. You will receive a copy of the school's case and other associated paperwork at least 10 working days before your hearing. 

You should submit your appeal form within 20 school days of having been notified in writing of the decision that your child cannot be offered a place at your chosen school. Appeal forms not completed online may be posted, emailed or handed in at the Council's Marble Hall Reception in the Old Town Hall building, (corner of Fairfield Street and Wandsworth High Street, SW18 2PU). 

Legal Infant class size: Please be aware that we follow legislation that does not allow us to exceed 30 children in EYFS and KS1 classes.