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At Tooting Primary School, the PSHE curriculum contributes to the personal development of all our children. We fully intend for our pupils to  be healthy, happy, safe and prepared for an ever-evolving society. Our pupils  will have age-appropriate opportunities to explore and understand their world and what it means to live, work and socialise effectively with others. In line with our core values, we promote our pupil's self-esteem and emotional well-being and help them to form worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, at school and in the community. 

At Tooting Primary School we provide a high quality planned curriculum based on PSHE Association guidance and  Discovery Education programmes for RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) .

Please see our policies section for our RSE and right to withdraw policies.

Tooting Primary School's Curriculum Statement for PSHE:

  PSHE Curriculum Statement

PSHE Curriculum Overview:

PSHE Curriculum Overview

PSHE and RSE Long Term Curriculum Plan